Today, Saturday, February 10, 2024, at 19:00, a famous Georgian poet will visit us

📣 Today, Saturday, February 10, 2024, at 19:00, we will be visited by the famous Georgian poet, translator and scientist, Professor of the National University of Georgia (SEU), Keti Nizharadze, who will present a kind of creative report to the Georgian community in Athens – including her work in recent years Prepared and published books.
✅ Presentation book: Prof. St. Authored by Nizharadze, the following textbook was published in the current academic year:
“Georgian language” – short practical course of grammar, theoretical linguistics and speech culture for journalists.
✍️ It should be noted that Keti Nizharadze is a well-known Hellenist, homerologist who studies ancient literature. In addition to 10 poetry collections, he has published monographs and works in Hellenistics. He owns an important book in homerology – “Scenes from the Iliad”, which includes poetic translations of 11 main scenes of the “Iliad”, with parallel Greek text and commentaries.
✅ Therefore, based on our request, a lecture-conversation is planned on the topic:

“Rustaveli and Homer”.
⚜️ Host of the evening: Doctor of Classical Philology Avtandil Mikaberidze, head of the Georgian Institute in Athens.
⚜️ Keti Nizharadze is already well known to the Georgian readers living in Greece through a number of public lectures, presentations and other interesting events held in Athens.
⚜️ Although our guest, A. year He is coming to Greece on a creative business trip on February 5-15 and has quite a busy program. In addition to the named meeting and book presentation, he also expressed his desire to have the so-called To meet the representatives of the creative community of our diaspora in the format of a “literary workshop” and share their writing and creative experience with them.
⚜️ Those who wish to participate in the work of the “Literary Workshop”, please register on the phones indicated below.
210.7211226 / 6945.381250 / 6999.640412.
🔔 Attendance: free.
📮 Address: Patisioni str. 81 (the same, October 28), 1st floor (“Victoria Square”), Athens Education & Culture Center “Kavkasia”.